DIY Oak Grandfather Clock - Create a Family Heirloom
A woodworker scratch builds an oak grandfather clock for his wife from a $15 plan. It took 10 weeks to produce (every evening ......
More videos about Long Case Clock :

Emperor 100 Series Assembly
Assembly of the 100 Series Clock....

Custom Grandfather Clocks and kits - Watch Video

Grandfather's Clock (Parts)

How to Make a Battery Operated Pendulum Grandfather Clock
A Large Pendulum Drive for Battery Operated Grandfather Clocks See Our Accessories Click Here: ......

How to Clean a Grandfather Clock part 2b of 4
Link to this video's blog posting with text summary and hi-res photo gallery....

Winding a Grandfather Clock
Winding a 8 day Howard Miller Presidential Collection Truman clock - Cable Driven triple Chime....

Howard Miller Grandfather Clock Part 1
Link to this video's blog posting with text summary and hi-res photo gallery....

Android app Grandfather Clock
Android app Grandfather Clock working video. Google play ......

World's best buy on Grandfather Clocks.
This video features three sale clocks for a particular month. All wood no veneers, beveled glass, German movements, free in ......

How To Setup A Grandfather Clock In Beat and Regulation To Keep Correct Time part 4 of 4
Link to this video's blog posting with text summary and hi-res photo gallery....

Clock Kits & Assortments For Clock Building
Find everything at our Clock Kits and Assortment Section. We have some great kits that allow your Creative Side to Shine. Go To: ......

How It's Made Grandfather Clocks
Discovery / Science Channel's "How It's Made" Grandfather Clocks episode....

Friday Live (8/12/16) - Grandfather Clock Parts
1:30 - Grandfather clock parts 8:00 - Have you purchased Woodpecker's One Time Tools? 9:36 - Are you selling your house and ......

Antique Clock Collecting : Antique Clocks: Revival of Grandfather Clocks
Large grandfather clocks became popular for mansions in the mid-1800s. Find out why long-case clocks are popular with ......

How to make Grandfather Clocks {www downloadshiva com}
Visit "" for more Movies, videos & Documentries. Please Subscribe to the Channel if you like the post....

How to easily wind & set your vintage grandfather clock
Alex Archbold of Curiosity Inc gets a vintage Grandfather Clock wound and running. A quick instructional....

How To Set Up An Antique Longcase Clock - Dials Antique Clocks, Lymington
Martin Fairhurst owns and runs Dials Antique Clocks and has over twenty-five years of experience working with antique clocks ......

Emperor Grandfather Clock Westminister Chime
This is an Emperor model 300M grandfather clock kit built in 1975. I bought this used for $75! (not working of course). I fixed it and ......

Grandmother Clock from Klockit Plans
After nearly four years from beginning to end, my Lorraine Grandmother Clock project is finally complete! It was built from locally ......

Grandfather Clock - Graphic 45 Kit

Emperor Clock Movement Kit #267 (Estate Sale)
Emperor Clock Movement Kit #267 (Estate Sale)

So you have a grandfather clock and it is having problems, Rochester Minnesota
Hello, my name is William, my business is called Born Again Clocks, I am a full time clock repair and restoration service in the ......

Grandfather Clock: Making Clock Hood Arch
This Video is taken from the clock making course "Making A Case For A Longcase Clock" by Barry Share. Riversdale Clocks ......

How to Examine, Clean, Oil and Setup a Grandfather Clock - part 1 of 4
In part 1 I'm only going to cover evaluating the mechanism to determine how dirty and if any pivots are wore out. If pivots are wore ......

The most beautiful grandfather clock ever made.'s Avondale Grandfather Clock is hand carved in Italy with expert craftsmanship. View The Avondale video and ......

Repair or Build a Grandfather Clock with this Pendulum Drive
Looking to Repair a Grandfather Clock? This option may be Perfect for you. Look to Us for Clock Parts at: ......

Antique Clocks - Scottish Longcase/Grandfather Clock
A good example of Scottish Clockmaking by Miller of Montrose. Full stock @

Antique Musical Grandfather Clock Made by Gustav Becker. Germany, 1920s - Amazing antique musical grandfather clock made in Germany by the famous clockmaker Gustav ......

Clock I built from an Emperor kit in 2002
This video was uploaded from an Android phone....

Grandpa's Home-made Grandfather Clock
My Grandfather made this from scratch. Every piece is hand-made, with the exception of the lead weight in the weight mechanism....

Clock Dial for Battery Operated Grandfather Clocks
The perfect Dial for a Battery Operated Grandfather Clock is HERE SEE More at Give Us a Call to LEARN ......

Grandfather clock unboxing
Many people love the antique grandfather clock, some collect large collections, in our video are the watches of the Power brand ......

Hermle Grandfather Clock - Conversion
This is how I replaced the old and broken weight driven movement in my grandfather clock to a modern German Hermle ......

How to remove and re-hang a longcase clock pendulum
A demonstration of how to remove and re-hang the pendulum on a longcase clock, by

eBay clock kit. Full build and setting guide.
Full assembly of a typical eBay digital clock kit with case. This is a nice kit to build. It's a very good example of circuitry that can be ......

Grandfather Clock Test Stand and Hammer Refurbish
If you're just looking to hear this great tube gong clock it is at: 28:26 In this video I evaluate my grandfather clock's hammer ......

Grandfather Clock Making: Mouldings
This Video is taken from the clock making course "Making A Case For A Longcase Clock" by Barry Share. Riversdale Clocks ......

Howard Miller Grandfather Clock Strikes 12
This is a 1996 610-600 clock. It works great and keeps perfect time!...

1909 Ithaca clock co key wound tall clock from NY. All original parts with coil gong. Works great!!
via YouTube Capture....