3 Freelancing Gigs To Skyrocket Your Shop Sales

So, you finally decided to take the leap and sell your art or craft. Great! Pinterest is a fantastic platform for promoting all kind of hand made, unique products.

Unlike many social media platforms, Pinterest users like to make purchases, and the average amount per order is higher than the other leading social media channels. That means you don’t need hundreds of thousands of followers to earn a decent income from your Pinterest marketing efforts.

However the best pins in the world are worthless if nobody sees them. So you’ll need to invest at least a little time in building an audience on Pinterest. Although advertising on Pinterest is one option, it’s not within everyone’s budget. But don’t worry, there are other ways to build an audience using low or no-cost tactics. Using freelancing platforms like Fiverr, you can outsource tasks like marketing, copy optimization and web design to people who have proven experience and expertise in those fields.

We chose 3 interesting freelancing gigs makes your product visible to over millions  targeted Pinterest users who are interested in crafts, home decor, furniture or DIY. This will usually gain you a link clicks and page visits & hopefully sales! Typically, you can expect between hundreds and thousands visitors to your store per product promotion. All depends of the quality of the image and whether your content is appealing to the audience

I will promote your products to my high traffics pinterest account (160+ reviews)

Starting for as low as $15, Pinterest social influencer, fatennb would share 15 pins of your products (permanently !) on her boards that have total 2 million audience. The price includes creating a pin for you. You will be also provided with performance stats of your pins.

I will drive traffic to your shopify etsy ebay using pinterest audience of 2 million (20+ reviews)

You can have five of your products promoted to a  sergioreynoso Pinterest account with an audience of over 2 million people starting at just $10. Your pins will permanently stay on boards. The gig also offers other promotion packages depending on the number of products you’d like to boost.

I will promote your store to my 8,1 million pinterest viewers (50+ reviews)

It is Etsy-targeted and has some good feedback from Fiverr users. User networkmha will do your store or product promotion to his boards of viewers in Home decor, DIY and interior design niche and additionally he can make a custom board for your products.

Getting involved with a well-known board related to your niche is a great way to gain instant exposure. Some of these boards have millions of followers, so it’s important to be thoughtful when executing this tactic. You want to establish yourself as a quality contributor to the group board and not as a spammer.

There are many different approaches to promoting your shop on Pinterest. The more time you devote to promotional activities, the more sales you will generate. Whether you have lots of time for Pinterest marketing, or not, remember to be consistent in your pursuit. This is a marathon and not a race.