How to make a simple Langstroth beehive
Begin your beekeeping dreams with your very own langstroth beehive. Easy to build (no box joints or complicated cuts) and with ......
More videos about Langstroth Hive :

How to make a beehive - Part A
In this video I show most of the woodworking of making a classic beehive. For more information about this project, go here: ......

How to Build a Top Bar Beehive, Free Plans On Website
Here's a how to video on building a new top bar beehive using thermally treated poplar. Complete plans, cut lists and materials ......

Making a langstroth beehive
Location: Pod Bánošom 80, 974 11 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia ......

Beekeeping. Part 1, building hives. Bodies.
This one is pretty exciting. I was fortunate enough to find someone who could teach me about Beekeeping (or as my friend says ......

Long Langstroth Hive | New Hive Build Plan (55)
All my videos are AD FREE. But there are ways that you can help support this channel 🙂 1) Using my Amazon Affiliate links costs ......

How to build a Langstroth Hive
How to build a langstroth hive. Link to plans:

Beekeeping for Beginners - Langstroth Bee Hives.
I haven't given up on the top bar hives, just talking a break. I'm hoping to be more successful with the Langstroth Hives and maybe ......

Building A Beehive! For $20! Part 1 The Cuts!
Please read full description! One measurement needs to be corrected! And please insure you make all cuts to the outside edge of ......

Making langstroth hive
sorry if this video is too fast in some parts i tried to make it as short as possible but get as-much of the construction as possible in ......

How To Make Rose Bee Hive Boxes
Rose hives are a particular type of beehive and one that I've used for many years. Usually hive boxes are made with lots of fiddly ......

Screened bottom board
How to make a screened bottom board for bee hive. This is one I designed based on others I have seen....

How to build a Bee Hive Plans. Detailed Bee Hive Plans Plans and instructions.
Want to get big collection of Bee Hive Plans plans? Get it by visiting the link: Related: bee hive plans ......

How to build a Bee Hive. Detailed Bee Hive Plans and instructions.
Want to get big collection of Bee Hive plans? Checkout: Related: bee hive plans honey bee hive plans ......

How to make a beehive top bar with langstroth frames, Free Plans
How to make a top bar beehive that will work with langstroth frames. Easy woodworking skills and free plans. You will need ......

Making Frames - Part 1
An instructional video on how to make frames for a bee hive....

Building My First National Bee Hive Part 1
In this episode of Tony's Allotment, Tony starts to build his flat pack National Bee Hive, The kids take the mick in the backround....

Flow™ Hive Full Reveal
It's the beekeepers dream, turn a tap right on your beehive and watch pure fresh honey flow right out of your Flow™ hive and into ......

Beekeeping: Building Ant Proof Hive Stands | We've lost several bee colonies to ants recently. This video walks through the ......

Horizontal Hive short
This video is about Horizontal Hive Welcome to the Wudrest channel I recently built a couple of horizontal hives. I got the plans ......

Beekeeping: Building Ant Proof Hive Stands | We've lost several bee colonies to ants recently. This video walks through the ......

Basic components of the Langstroth bee hive
Just a quick wak-through of the Langstroth bee hive... in case you wanted to know....

How to Build a Beehive: Langstroth Deep Body
A video showing the steps to building beehive boxes. My dimensions: Short board-16 1/4" Long board-19 1/8" Rip both to-9 5/8" ......

How to Build a Top Bar Beehive part 2, FREE plans on my Site
This is Part 2 of building a top bar horizontal beehive. You can download the design plans on my website for you own beehive ......

Tired of Ants in your Beehive? Build This Ant Free Hive Stand
A quick video on how I build my hive stands. I HATE ants, so this is how I keep them from my bee hives....

How to build a Warré beehive at low cost by David Heaf - sustainable bee-keeping UK
Dr David Heaf, UK Warre Beekeeper, Author of "The Bee-friendly Beekeeper", and other publications and books, Natural ......

How To Build a Top Bar Beehive from start to finish by Jon Peters
Learn to build a top bar beehive from start to finish Philip Chandler video on the bee feeder ......

Beekeeping For Beginners pt1
Building a top bar bee have is a simple DIY project almost anyone can do for under $50. I'm excited about bee keeping. Not only ......

Horizontal Langstroth Beehive / Long hive
more info on my Horizontal Langstroth Beehive some call them long hive....

D.I.Y Glass Aquarium Beehive Cheap and Easy *Extended*
How to turn a 10 Gallon glass Aquarium into a functional observation hive. Simple and easy. Don, The Fat Bee Man's Feeder: ......

How to build a simple beehive
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

Brian Drebbers "AZ Bee House" located in Cherokee County, Georgia, USA. New home to the Slovenian "AZ hives", an alternative ......

Single Depth Horizontal Langstroth Beehive Design 2016-05
This hive design holds 32 deep Langstroth frames. Not quite complete as still needs legs and roof. It is a modified pattern from ......

How To Build a Top Bar Beehive - The Short Version
Here's the shortened version of the Top Bar Beehive build. Enjoy and you can also see the expanded versions of each step of the ......

DIY Hive, 5-frame Medium Nucs - Bee Vlog #121 - Nov 23, 2013
Free hive plans provided by "In the Beekeeper's Workshop" ......

Bee Keeping: How to Make a Top Bar Bee Hive
So we got the garden going and now the orchard is finally in. How do we ensure a great harvest and still continue with adding to ......

Horizontal Hive Edit 1
This video is about Horizontal Hives. Re edited....

Long Langstroth Hive Update
My Patreon: Use My Amazon Affiliate: Buy My Books: ......

Building Medium Size Bee Hive Frames From Scratch Part 1
Just showing how I'm going about building medium frames from scratch for the first time. It's not meant to be a how to video but ......